Jared Stark (‘01) will assume the role of vice president for advancement of York College on August 1. Stark has been serving as vice president for athletics and enrollment management since 2014.
"I am thrilled for Jared to move into this position and focus his energies on engaging a new generation of alumni along with many new friends for York College," President Sam Smith said. "His personal connection with so many alumni and friends combined with his deep passion for our mission will be a tremendous asset for years to come."
Stark began work as an admissions counselor with York College in 2001, a few days after completing his bachelor’s degree. He left York in 2003 for graduate studies at Texas Tech University, completing the M.Ed in higher education administration in 2005.
Stark returned to YC and eventually became athletic director in 2008. In 2014, he took on oversight of enrollment management which includes student recruiting and retention. Under his leadership, the college has navigated an increasingly difficult student recruiting and retention landscape with notable successes resulting in last year’s record enrollment of 640.
“While I am saddened to leave my position with enrollment and athletics,” Starks explained, “I am eager to begin this new work. York College, the people, the place, the traditions, and our Christ-centered mission have been a source of inspiration and blessing to me for more than 20 years.
“It will be an honor to represent York College to our alumni and other friends so we can advance further the important eternal work that happens here on a daily basis through our faculty and staff. Life-changing moments are a daily occurrence at YC, and so many here have shaped who I am. We have a lot of work to do, but I am excited to embrace this new challenge.”
President Smith added, “Jared's unwavering commitment to York College, deep commitment to his faith in Jesus, and unique connections with alumni will be key components of his success. He has demonstrated the ability to balance competing priorities while working with a wide variety of people which serves as great preparation for the work ahead for him and the college. Thanks to the stability of recent years and the eagerness of our core constituency to push York College forward, we have the opportunity to take the college to the next level and we are going to excitedly take that opportunity.”
Jared and his wife, Charla (Farrell ‘01), have two children, Everson, 9, and Nico, 2.